Kickstart your career today
We don't just do career events, we create immersive learning experiences!
At Upskill Me, we do things differently.
We bring you face-to-face with the real deal. At our events, you’ll engage directly with employers and get hands-on experience with real-world projects that put your skills and teamwork abilities to the test. Plus, our events are always free to attend.
Ready to accelerate your future? Gain career insights without the boring bits? Meet awesome employers and take charge of your journey? Then explore our current opportunities and apply today!

How do I know if I meet the criteria to apply?
We receive lots of applications for our events and programmes - check out what we look out for in our student applications below.

Motivated Sixth Form students

Gender representation

Socio-economic considerations
young people
Our events are aimed at Year 12 and 13 students.
We are looking particularly for motivated, enthusiastic and committed students who can demonstrate a passion for the industry or employer they are applying for.
Our events often lead to further opportunities with employers so we look for students who are willing to push themselves out of their comfort zone, engage with new people and get stuck in.
Our STEM events are targeted specifically at girls and all those who identify with womanhood.
With women only taking up 26% of the STEM workforce, we work directly with employers to address this imbalance.
You can find out which events are open to you by checking out our events page.
We are interested in hearing from state-schooled students (or those otherwise receiving a full bursary/scholarship at an independent school).
Inequalities exist within our education system and beyond. We recognise that as a result, irrespective of talent, not everyone has the same opportunities available to them which is why we consider socio-economic status as part of our applications.
Our events are open to all students irrespective of religion, race or ethnicity.
However, we acknowledge that students from minoritised groups often face additional barriers in the workplace and we are particularly interested in applications from students to whom this may apply.
We can't wait to meet you!
We Empower, Connect and Upskill to help you unlock your potential.
Whether you are interested in Law, Finance, Business or STEM industries, we are here to provide the best opportunities for you to explore your passions, build your network and sharpen your skills – whatever your background.