Upskill Me works closely with schools, colleges and local education authorities to Empower, Connect and Upskill students by providing access to exceptional and impactful immersive learning experiences and career events.
We understand how challenging it can be to find the capacity to deliver quality careers activity and there are a number of ways we can support you to provide meaningful employer engagement for your students through:
Taking care of the admin, including parental consents, event logistics and student communication
Providing FREE access to impactful work experience opportunities, insight days and STEM events, with lunch and refreshments always provided
Tailoring events and opportunities towards students from under-served communities
Supporting girls and all those who identify with womanhood into realising their potential towards STEM routes
Explore the different ways we can support you below and reach out to the team today by emailing stem@upskillme.io.
Industry Societies
Industry Societies are exclusive student-led societies that enable Year 12 students to get career ready by receiving in depth industry-specific insights, mentorship and development in relevant employability skills. Every year, we partner with esteemed industry leaders to create employer-sponsored societies focusing on various sectors such as Business, Law or Finance & Banking. We partner with regional schools to deliver the societies, providing their Year 12 students the opportunity to apply.
There is no cost to take part in an Industry Society and we welcome students who are industry curious, motivated and have a willingness to commit to being a part of 3-month programme, with a focus on students who may come from a low-income background or otherwise under-served community.

Partner Schools
This year, we are piloting our Partner Schools Project as a strategic response to the increasing number of events we deliver in collaboration with our esteemed corporate partners. There is no cost attached to becoming a Partner School and a range of benefits, including:
Priority access to our work experience opportunities, insight days and STEM events
A minimum amount of guaranteed spaces held exclusively for your students
Cost-free participation to our events, offering incredible opportunites to your students whilst connecting our corporate partners with bright and motivated talent